Better Call Saul Spin-Off Prequel Could Feature Lalo Salamanca and Don Eladio

Published on: 8/08/22
Lalo Salamanca

Better Call Saul has been considered as superior to its predecessor in Breaking Bad and for good reason. The ratings and reviews of the Saul Goodman based spin-off has been meteoric to say the least.

Rumours though were rife at the weekend with a source close to Sony Pictures Television claiming another prequel could be on the cards, this time focusing on full time bad guy with a twist of humor, Lalo Salamanca.

It’s felt Lalo’s appearances in Better Call Saul, played by actor Tony Dalton, were short lived, with a lot more to be learned about the Salamanca who takes over the reigns from Uncle Hector and cousin Tuco.

His escapades of the past as he makes his way up the Juarez Cartel ladder are something the writers could have fun with, especially, and ultimately leading up to his appearance alongside Nacho Varga.

His dark twists of humour would also fit the narrative of Better Call Saul which Bob Odenkirk described as “85% drama and 15% comedy”.

The spin-off would include more of the scary Don Eladio, whom we see very little of, who perhaps could be shown as working for his living rather than controlling things from the comfort of his pool.

A stumbling block would be whether series creators Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould can see it as a viable series moving forward and how far back they could go with Lalo. The actors age could be deemed an issue however it worked well enough with Giancarlo Esposito as Gustavo Frings.

Either way, fans of both shows will certainly be hoping there will be ore to come.