News has been circulating that DC’s Batgirl has been put on the shelves, despite spending over $100m to make. The reason being that it got a load of poor reviews at screening.
Looking at those who star in the film it appears it looks like the decision to shelve it might have been a bit early. Leslie Grace as Batgirl, J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Jim Gordon, Michael Keaton as Batman and Brendan Fraser as bad guy villain Firefly.
‘An ensemble of great actors does not a great movie make’ could be a useful future phrase that I have just made up, but you have to look into screenings a bit closer before making a final decision.
Who was at the screenings? Fans of Cristian Bale, Children that are simply fans of Ironman? What was on the feedback forms? Without knowing the extent to which the screeners were screened in the first place means we can’t tell why.
This could of course be a huge PR stunt. The news that a film gets shelved, and its respective costs, garners higher interaction and views than a standard release date and you can bet your last pennies that there is already a new group on Reddit or Twitter asking for the “Batgirl Cut” to be released!
Take the news with a pinch of salt. It’s likely we may see Batgirl on our screens within the next year or two.