The Blackwell Ghost 7 (2022)

Published on: 4/11/22

Director: Turner Clay 70 minutes

Release Date: 28th October 2022

The Blackwell Ghost 7 (2022)

A paranormal investigator is stalked by someone believed to be dangerous as he continues his investigations.

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The Blackwell Ghost 7 (2022)
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 3 reviews
 by mike lumbi

thought it was a great series and looking fwd to part 8 but im a little thrown off by who this stalker is it joe lightfoot the dude he interviewed that was reciting poems ..Cause the riddles were poetic and he says something about how his dad blew his head off to save him from that life...could it be hes continuing the work of his father like in Saw.

 by earthshoes

Blackwell Ghost 7 is part if a series of "found footage" style movies made by independent film maker, Turner Clay. If you haven't seen the previous movies, this won't film mean much to you. So for heaven's sake, go see the others.

This was my favorite installment so far. I love how the story behind these movies continues to evolve to include other elements.

It has a cult following of fans, many of whom believe the films are real. Some, like myself, opting to embrace a suspension of belief for the sake of a story well-told. We don't care if they're true or not. We just want to know how it's all going to turn out.

Turner Clay does a masterful job of bringing watchers into the tale. In some respects, he could be any of us--a man who doesn't claim any particular giftedness, who makes movies, without any real skills apart from that. Not a super-genius, not a super hero, not insightfully brilliant. Just a man with a camera in search of meaning and a good story.

But here's the thing: he is brilliant because he tells the story without overplaying his hand. Without over the top special effects. Without a star studded cast. It's just him and some simple tools, and his likable storytelling style.

Check out this series. You won't be sorry.

Thank you for giving us your opinion earthshoes!

 by ZuuZuu

This was quite good. I've not watched any of the other Blackwell Ghost films so I was expecting a ghost hunter with lights and sound equipment to be chasing shadows in an old house.

Happy to say I was proved wrong. The Blackwell Ghost 7 builds up nicely as Turner heads out in his car and has to quickly return as the Sheriff asks him to get back to him urgently.

It turns out he's being stalked by a deranged person who has abducted a girl and he has to question his morals on what to do. Obviously it's fiction but the story, and the dialogue between Turner, the Sheriff and the stalker is tense as the investigation unfolds.

Now I'm not one for ghosts but this is a decent, almost found footage style that is well directed and if The Blackwell Ghost 7 is anything to go by I may just be persuaded to watch the others.