Tells the story of Romeo and Juliet but in the eyes of young Rosaline, who happens to be the ex-girlfriend of Romeo.
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I thought Rosaline was "OK". It is a neat idea to think of what others at the time of Romeo and Juliet were thinking and his ex sounds like a great idea. For me though it just didn't work as well as I thought it would.
There are some funny parts but not one's worth mentioning to your friends at a pub or restaurant. Maybe, as a thirty something male I'm not the intended market that Rosaline was created for so it would be interesting to get the females perspective on this story.
It does remind me of school in a strange way, like one of those school trips to a Shakespearean theatre where you have to grind through a couple of hours of language you don't quite get, but the film is understandable, it's just a few violins short of the full orchestra for me.