A girl somehow gets split realities on her graduation day. In one she is pregnant, in the other she moves to LA.
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Clever story but more for girls than boys. Was ok.
Like someone else wrote it's very sliding doors with Gwyneth Paltrow from ages ago. I'd say it was more a drama with romance than a romantic comedy & Look Both Ways is more for say middle teens or young students.
What a nice clean film. Had a feel of a young Gwyneth Paltrow with the 'what if' effect but characters kept it light an interesting and fun to watch. Teenagers enjoyed it too ?
Look Both Ways is a "Sliding Doors" type film where you get two parallels so the idea isn't fresh. I did enjoy it though. It's a good paced romcom by Wanuri Kahiu and given we have the two parallels it gives the opportunity to mix the comedy up a bit on top of the romance and Wanuri has done this cleverly.
Good acting by both Reinhardt and Ramirez make this a film that I expect will be heavily watched over the next week or so.
Look Both Ways was both watchable and enjoyable.