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Still amazes me how good Sixth Sense is after so many years. It's a must watch if you've not seen it yet.
The sixth Sense is an unnerving piece of Art by M.Night Shyamalan, it has great performances by both Bruce Willis and Joel Osment. The film is gently suspenseful with few real scenes of fear, rather an overwhelming tone of fear.
The twist is great, but going into the film I had already had this spoiled, despite this I found the film highly enjoyable, some films are built for the twist the shock it is rare that these films are good films as themselves, but with and without the shock twist this film is great showing how cleverly and smoothly crafted this piece is.
The film is haunting and emotionally emptying, this is its greatest strength. The attention to detail is fantastic while the film keeps a very long lasting impression. 5/5
This movie is the true definition of suspense and the more I think about the ending, the more I want to sit back and watch it again.
This movie is such a brilliant work of art and the performances of Bruce Willis and Joel Osment makes it even more of a beauty to behold. The performances of the cast builds up such a good amount of suspend that the end of the movie more than justifies eventually.
I have had to watch this movie three times because every single time I feel like I may have missed something valuable, and as I write this I have already planned on watching it on my next week off work.
Sixth Sense does have its scary moments but I found the whole film a bit too dark and quite literally too. It was like they forgot to pay for the lighting team to take part and no amount of turning the light up on your tv remote won't have much affect.
It does have one of the greatest twists for a scary movie but I just can't help feeling that Willis was miscast for this one.