Orphan: First Kill (2022)

Published on: 17/08/22

Director: William Brent Bell 99 minutes

Orphan: First Kill (2022)

Esther impersonates the missing daughter of a wealthy American family and heads to the States in a prequel to Orphan (2009).

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Orphan: First Kill (2022)
Average rating:  
 6 reviews
 by Chania

Dont wanna spoil Orphan: First Kill for you so will just say this, awesome twist in the middle that totally turned this movie around for me.

 by Boomerang

The scene is set for blood and killing sprees from the beginning, and doesn't disappoint. The first part of the film is a little slow, but then a sudden twist catches your attention and the rest of the film becomes a psychological horror within a horror... wont give anything away.. but its worth watching.

 by Cece

Loved this! Orphan kinda went back to before the first Orphan film and it works well with the little lunatic shockingly awful going after a rich American family. Will recommend and watch again.

 by Ollie

Enjoyed Orphan: First Kill more than the original. Was good seeing the mother fight back after a good build up. Must watch if you haven't.

 by Sal

Really good. Better than 1st imo.

 by Richie Warren

Even though Orphan: First Kill is a prequel you wouldn't know it and I could classify it as completely brand new. The story is what I would describe as tip top, with so many twists and turns it gets you thinking and guessing for the full 100 minutes of the horror.

Sublime acting, and brilliant work by Julia Stiles make Orphan: First Kill a brilliant horror and perhaps up there as one of the best of the year along with the Black Phone.