Mack & Rita (2022)

Published on: 10/08/22

Director: Katie Aselton

Mack & Rita (2022)

A 30 year old woman is reluctant to go to a bachelorette trip for her best friend but goes, where she oddly turns into her 70 year old future inner-self which frees her up to say things she most likely normally wouldn’t!

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Mack & Rita (2022)
Average rating:  
 3 reviews
 by Gr8

A bit wishy-woshy for me, didn't really work but did laugh a few times.

 by Damian 22

Mack & Rita is a bit silly and it has been done before, although if memory serves me correctly not quite at the age of 70. It's a fun kind of silly that will make you cry and probably realise that you too will become a moaning git when you hit the higher end of the age scale. I'm not sure if I'd watch again...

 by Selina Hamilton

I laughed a lot watching Mack and Rita. It's a fab idea and it worked. I first thought it would be more on the lines of Freaky Friday but it has been so well written, and so well directed by Katie Aselton that it smashes that Friday out of the water.

Kudos must go to the casting director as it's wonderfully cast with Diane Keaton supported throughout. It gives those thirty-somethings a glimpse of what we might look back at and feel elements of regret on how we approach life.

I, personally would watch this again and would recommend many of my friends and family to give Mack and Rita a go!