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Not great tbf. Some good moments but it's very drawn out and ultimately disappointing.
Falls flat with not much to be thrilled about.
Scenery was well made but the whole film didn't do it for me 3* only
Found it too confusing.
I found Tides to be a good, watchable sci-fi. I'm a sci-fi fan so maybe biased. It starts off well and got me thinking when it totally switched to what you thought was happening. Also a really good set of morals to be understood about whats going to eventually happen to our planet.
I enjoyed Tides. Other reviews do seem over negative. It starts off well then surprises the audience and leads to some moral compasses going all over the shop leading to a climactic battle between pro and antagonist.
Started well but then had a tidal wave of tedium flow right over it.
A pity the tide didn't wash Tides away in the first few minutes. Far better sci-fi "thrillers" out there.
.. earth is ruined due to climate change & war with only a few survivors.. we have seen many times before. The characters don’t hold the film, with a few too many layers. One is left feeling time would have been better spent separating the plastic bottles than watching the film
A story that’s been played out many times, doesn’t hold ground till till end. Lots of nice sea shots but that’s about the best to this film
Watchable but you will need your brain switched on fully. Good visuals but almost flies off on a different script.
Tides was like taking a bath. A cold one and with no candles, and when you finally climb out, you notice there are no towels.
Starts off well but then waits for the Tide to come in and just dives deep into the water and slowly drowns. Won't be watching again I'm afraid.
Pretty gutted as was hoping for an alien type thriller. Nonetheless it's watchable with some scary views of what Earth could be like in the future.
Felt like I was being preached to by environmentalists for an hour and a half
Can sorta see what they were trying to do but Tides didn't work for me. More thrill needed.
I was quite excited with the jelly fish at the start as that floats my boat more but it veered off into more of a 'god there are survivors' type story. Bit disappointed.
I enjoy these types of films but tbh I found the version of Earth quite boring and would have preffered to have seen what life would be like on their Kepler escape planet.
Gives audience plenty to think about if this were to ever happen. Good performance by Iain Glenn aswell who has a secret.
Underlying message is look after our planet.
Slow moving and a bit confusing with the blast of new characters later on in the film. The idea is sound but not executed strongly enough for my liking.
Visually it's pretty good and Tides starts off well with an air of mystery but it quickly becomes almost a different film all together when you learn something I won't spoil on here.
It is def not one of the best new scifi films you'll be looking for.