A famous health and wellness influencer invites a follower called Jordan who recently overdosed to her manor for recovery but Jordan soon realises the manor is not what information on the web suggests.
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I really enjoyed this thriller. The casting was credible with the 2 opposing female leads. It definitely has a grudge tone to it which was clearly intended and though I don’t care for grunge it works in this movie.
The ending is climatic and impressively done.
Thank you for your thoughts Cindi.
I went on IMDB earlier and the rating for Willowbrook was like 9.8 so I watched it. What the hell? They must have been voting for their own movie bcoz it was so bad. I click on critic review and this one tells it how it is. Not trusting IMDB ratings ever again. Waste of time!
I found The Willowbrook very hard to take seriously. It's like a B Movie that would find its rightful place on TV after release, and that's even before streaming was invented.
It's a short film at just over an hour and ten minutes and sadly the script and dialogue makes you wish it was even shorter. The acting was okay and I believe its direction was restrained by that and possibly a very low budget.
There is nonetheless some mystery to The Willowbrook.
An influencer in the world of wellness invites a few people over to her mansion to help with addiction recovery yet we already know that things aren't what they seem from the opening five minutes.
Cue the odd psychological techniques and a lot of waffling and the last twenty minutes starts to clear things up where it's simply a case of the influencer being a lunatic.
Unfortunately The Willowbrook didn't do anything for me. Maybe I have missed the point, but I wouldn't have put this one in the genre of thriller and it's not a film I will seek to watch again.