The Hidden (1987)

Published on: 3/06/23
The Hidden (1987)
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The Hidden (1987)
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 1 reviews
 by Ryan Rickson

The Hidden, directed by Jack Sholder and released in 1987, is a thrilling and underrated sci-fi action film that delivers a high-octane blend of suspense, humor, and intrigue. With its engaging premise, dynamic performances, and exhilarating chase sequences, the film stands as a hidden gem in the realm of '80s genre cinema.

The story follows a Los Angeles detective, Tom Beck, portrayed by Michael Nouri, as he investigates a series of bizarre and violent crimes. As the body count rises, Beck discovers that an extraterrestrial parasite is possessing humans, turning them into ruthless criminals. To stop the rampage, Beck teams up with an enigmatic FBI agent, Lloyd Gallagher, played by Kyle MacLachlan, who possesses unique abilities to combat the hidden threat.

One of the film's standout elements is its fast-paced and action-packed narrative. The Hidden seamlessly combines elements of science fiction, crime thriller, and buddy cop genres, creating a unique and compelling cinematic experience. The story keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, balancing tense moments of suspense with explosive sequences of car chases and shootouts.

Michael Nouri delivers a solid performance as the seasoned detective Beck, bringing a sense of determination and authority to his character. Kyle MacLachlan shines as the mysterious and otherworldly Gallagher, infusing the role with a quirky charm and a hint of otherworldliness. The chemistry between the two leads adds depth and humor to their dynamic, elevating the film beyond its genre conventions.

The Hidden benefits from its skillful direction, which keeps the pace brisk and the tension high. Jack Sholder effectively balances the film's comedic and dramatic moments, creating a tonal balance that enhances the overall entertainment value. The practical effects and stunts add a touch of '80s nostalgia and contribute to the film's energetic and visceral nature.

While The Hidden may not have received the same level of recognition as other sci-fi action films of the era, it remains a thrilling and enjoyable ride for fans of the genre. The film's exploration of identity, humanity, and the consequences of unchecked desires adds depth to the narrative, making it more than a simple action spectacle.

In conclusion, The Hidden is a thrilling and underrated sci-fi action gem that combines suspense, humor, and engaging performances. Michael Nouri and Kyle MacLachlan anchor the film with their dynamic chemistry and solid acting. Jack Sholder's direction and the film's high-octane action sequences create a satisfying and entertaining experience. For fans of '80s genre cinema and those seeking an adrenaline-fueled ride with a touch of science fiction, The Hidden is a hidden gem that deserves recognition and appreciation.