Goes back even further in the Predator timeline to the Comanche Nation 300 years ago where a skilled female warrior has to protect her tribe against a fearsome alien.
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In two minds. Starts off okay, gets a bit silly and then it's mostly garbage. The Predator is a bot of an old timer, no power based laser weapons like in the first one. I think the mystery in Predator is simply gone and that was always the main part of the film. Better than most of the others though.
Whilst the scenery and graphics are good cinematic viewing in this film. I still can't decide if I'm a big fan on of reinventing the Predator franchise. This film is not for the faint Hearted with some very gorey moments.
Another addtion to the Predidtor rendition and although the scenery in this film is to be applauded, it was difficult to imagine this was set hundreds of years ago. A pleasant watch but not the best in the Predator Arena.
Liked it alot. Prey better than The Predator which was the last dribble I had to watch. Would buy on bluray put it that way
I'm putting this in 3rd place of all Predator (stand-alone) movies after Predator, and Predators. Although in saying that, maybe second place, would have to watch Predators again.
I found Prey really good. It is defo a better option than the last few they have knocked out. The thing is, since the first Predator movie with Arnie, the mystery element has gone, we know what it is and we know what its skills are so we never get that surprise anymore, it's all about how many it kills and who kills "it" at the end.
Prey is a bit different as they have gone back to bows and arrows which a neat idea. Not sure who the actress is but she does well in this.
Not a bad entry into the Predator franchise and certainly better than the last outing in my opinion. If we're being 100% honest there was nowhere else to go but back and using the time of the Commanche is a good and bold idea.
Some beautiful cinematography mixed with a tribe where there are lots of characters to be slaughtered works well and I like what they have done bringing in a female protagonist as they did in Alien Versus Predators.
Having a female warrior of the time against Predator is worth a watch especially given the lack of choice in weaponry that Schwarzenegger had in the original.
Prey, regardless of what anyone writes or says will be watched by Predator fans and so they should. It's a well made addition.