Mercy (2023)

Published on: 3/06/23
Mercy (2023)
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Mercy (2023)
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 1 reviews
 by Caleb Hale

Mercy reminded me of the action films we started to see mid to late nineties that had a great cast on the front of the film poster but then failed to deliver in all aspects of it.

Don't get me wrong, Mercy isn't what I would call a flop at all. An ageing Jon Voight should be respected for what he's achieved and this feels a bit like he's topping up his pension. Jonathan Rhys Meyers appears to be popular property, notice I didn't say hot property, and he does okay in this alongside Leah Gibson.

The film itself is based on an ex-military doctor who comes under attack by the Irish organised crime and the rest you can pretty much say is Die Hard in a hospital, without the millions it undoubtedly cost of course.

The action scenes and sequences in Mercy are good, no savings made there, the script obviously is as repetitive as all other second rate action films and you might decide to say "enough" half-way through. Stick with it though, Mercy might be the usual action film many are used to but it's not all bad and a few good scenes with a fast paced plot make it worth a watch in my book, maybe not with all your mates as they'll rip you to threads, but one or two maybe to pass a few hours before something more interesting that you have planned.

3 Stars is perhaps overly generous for Mercy but if you watch it you might just agree that 2 stars feels too low. A 2.5 rating for Mercy is just about right.