A San Fernando Pool cleaning company serves as a front for vampire hunters with a dad trying to balance hunting and vampire killing life.
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It was quite funny in places, good fx which made the vampire kills something to laugh about. Weak plot but think that was the idea.
Vampire slayers are back in town, but with a comedic twist. It starts off a little mediocore but with a staring cast that have joined mainly for the fun it seems.. it ok. Just take it for what it is and if you like a bit of 'blowing up the vampires' you will enjoy.
I honestly thought we had left vampires behind in the early naughties. Not to be by the looks of things with this latest vampire "comedy" debut-directed by J. J. Perry.
Rumoured to have a $100m budget, it has certainly all been spent on Foxx, Franco and Snoop as the film has no depth and no originality. There are lots of jokes in Day Shift but these have been regurgitated from content produced year in year out.
I admit there has been some spend on the action scenes which is possibly the highlight of a film that drags you along for nearly two hours. But, quite frankly, I had more fun waiting for a flight that was delayed by twice as long as Day Shift goes on for.