This year, a huge variety of films have been released from action films to comedies. Having had little to do this summer break, I have spent lots of time watching newly released films at the cinema- but which film is the one to watch in 2018?
At the moment, one of the most popular films shown in cinemas is ‘Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again’. Anyone who is a huge fan of the original ‘Mamma Mia’ has probably seen its sequel already. Many critics have said it is better than the first film, however, I disagree. This is because I feel the film has many plot holes in it such as the insignificance of Cher’s character. Additionally, I found the switching between the past and present confusing in some aspects. On the other hand, the film was extremely entertaining with the killer cast or the original as well as the iconic ABBA songs played throughout. Overall, this was a great family film to watch as it featured aspects or comedy and romance which can be enjoyed by everyone.
Another film shown this year is ‘Incredibles 2’. I found this film an exciting and action-packed sequel which is equally as hilarious to the original. The iconic characters connected the audience which their humour and witty remarks, and the storyline was defined and easy to follow. This film also contained references to ‘The Incredibles’ and was set directly after, allowing the audience to be able to remember the ending and therefore be able to understand and enjoy it more. However, I found that I was easily able to guess who the villain of the film was before it was revealed. This film is great for families, especially those who saw the first one together as it has action, comedy and many other sub-genres so there’s something for everyone.
‘Ant Man and The Wasp’, a superhero film produced by Marvel, is a hilarious action-packed film which has recently been released This film has something for everyone- it contains aspects of comedy, romance and action and is exciting to watch. However, this film may be confusing to watch for those who haven’t previously watched other Marvel films as it has references to films such as ‘Ant Man’, ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and ‘Avengers: Infinity War’. This film is mostly aimed at Superhero fans, although its funny dialogue, characters and plotline are enjoyable for everyone and could easily turn someone into a superhero fan!
In addition to this, Marvel has also produced ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ earlier this year. The majority of hard-core Marvel fans have seen this hit film which has a trailer with 85milllion views, showing the enormous hype of the film. Half of the viewers of this film would say the massive crossover of characters, storyline and funny dialogue made the film one of the best of the year. However, many people believe the shocking ending of the film is upsetting and should not have been done. On the other hand, I enjoyed the film and its plotline, although it was shocking. Although this film was first shown in cinemas in April, some cinemas are still showing it now due to its large amounts of views meaning this could still be a long-time running film although its DVD is soon to be released. Overall, I feel this film is one of the best this year, although it’s not for everyone as you would have had to watch practically every other Marvel film in order to understand it.
Marvel also released ‘Black Panther’ earlier this year. This film featured a plotline about ‘Wakanda’, a fantasy country with futuristic high-tech cities and machinery as it is being robbed by outsiders. This film is action packed and exciting to watch as it is full of colour. However, I felt this film lacked comedy, although it did not have a complicated story line so was easy to follow. Therefore, this film was enjoyable, although not the most exciting action film this year.
For these reasons and others, I would say that the huge hit film ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ will be the major box office hit this year as it is still being shown in cinemas, as well as its DVD being released later this month and its huge number of views of the film itself and the trailers. However, this film isn’t for everyone as it is aimed at fans of the franchise. Other films such as ‘Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again’ and ‘Incredibles 2’ are also sequels, meaning you would have to previously watch the original film first. Therefore, I would recommend ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ to those who enjoy action and comedy films as the film to watch.