I’ll apologise for the title of this article in advance as a lot depends on what type of film genre you are into so the chances you will agree with me are slim to say the least.
Still, there is the chance that you might not have seen the few films I’m going to mention, let alone on a rainy Sunday afternoon. First of all, let’s assume the children are away at Butlins (should you have children); that gives us the option to add a racy option or two.
The first I would choose goes right back to my childhood and has all the adventure you need whilst having a nice cup of tea and a bit of crumpet to stop the belly rumbling. Warlords of Atlantis first came out in 1978 but appeared mostly on television throughout the 80’s. It has a bit of sea faring, a giant octopus, dinosaur type monsters and some nice deep water scenes. It’s only 96 minutes long but it seems to go on longer and with plenty of splashes of water when the giant octopus attacks meaning the rain outside will add to the enjoyment!
There’s something about knowing that the day after Sunday is Monday again that depresses the very best of us so why not depress ourselves further with a film about the World ending. There’s obviously a number of choices but if you’re looking for something with a bit of a twist and a film to have you thinking a little deeper than normal on a rainy Sunday then Cell with John Cusack and Samuel L Jackson would be a good choice, it’s a bit of a weird one granted and the ending won’t have you have laughing but it includes plenty of action, zombie types and mystery that might delay you putting on the Sunday lunch.
Other disaster movies could include Dante’s Peake, Armageddon, or, if you really want to go as low as you possibly can, and just want something to watch the Sharknado will waste a good hour and a half. Be prepared to be really disappointed with the latter though!
When it comes to Sunday’s then two always stick out in my mind, particularly on a bank holiday weekend, but any Carry On film or James Bond film are perfect for any rainy day in. My recommendations would be either From Russian With Love or The Spy Who Loved Me where James Bond is concerned, or for the Carry On franchise, Carry on Doctor or Carry On Don’t Lose Your Head, also known as Carry On Chopping, all four will entertain you and if the weather where you are is anything like it is generally in the UK then you could quite easily fit all four in!