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ANY Predator films after this don't come close.
This is one of the most militaristic action movies ever made. The violence is made more interesting by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s show of his macho biceps, as well as his use of guns and bombs.
There is a theme of slasher movies is some part of the film like when the characters are being murdered one after the other. However, it is not as scary or even suspenseful as a movie in that genre should be.
This movie passes as a great sci-fi horror/action movie and if you like watching sci-fi slasher movies you should enjoy this one and it is much better than its sequel, Predator 2.
The cartoonish aspect was very impressive also like when the savagely slaughtered casts come back at the end of the movie.
Over the next thousand years they could produce another 50 Predator films and call them what they like but none will ever come close to the first and original.
It's the mystery that surrounds it in the first that is so intriguing, once we know what the alien looks like the follow-on films become somewhat moot. What starts off as a military op with some CIA politics involved quickly turns into bloodshed with a great cast and fanastic action sequences and of course Arnold Schwarzenegger who, in his prime, does really well as hero versus unknown creature from out of space. If you haven't watched this one yet and just like to stick to the latest films out there then stick this on the watch list right now.