Documentary about One Taste, a group that took millions in revenue using sales tactics promising buyers the perfect orgasm.
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If you don't know the story then Orgasm Inc.: The Story of OneTaste might interest you. What starts off as a business about better life and getting a good orgasm quickly looks to turn into a cult with accusations of bullying, violence and non-payment of wages.
The documentary crew do well to interview previous members and employees of OneTaste but they fail to bring anyone in from the top, with only a few quotes at the end defending certain accusations.
It turns out that with numerous accusations against them the FBI are actually investigating but there has been no conclusion thus far. There are not many shocks to Orgasm Inc.: The Story of OneTaste although it is thought provoking at times. The one thing you can conclude is that some people will buy anything without thinking, without researching.
In OneTaste's regards, and the pun is intended; If you build it, they will come.