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A number of my peers might feel that John Wick: Chapter 4 is mostly a regurgitated collection of its three predecessors and they'd be right, however, they would be ignoring the fact that very much all three previous John Wick outings have led to this fourth installment.
Going all out against the "High Table" was always going to be the climax and those of us craving non-stop action got exactly what we expected for the price of our cinema ticket and then some. I guess in a way there was nothing new about the way Wick went about his head-shooting methods par for a few excellent sequences that one could deem "pretty new" but what else could any John Wick fan have expected, it was never going to be a picnic of dialogue or chitchat about his morals.
What Marvel do with their Superheroes, particularly in the Robert Downey-Junior days, Hollywood has done with aplomb for John Wick, and they have shown everyone in the World why it's that part of LA that always will deliver. If you want an action film then Hollywood will do so in true Hollywood style.
As touched upon briefly there was little dialogue. I'm sure someone in a theatre somewhere decided to count how many words Keanu Reeves spoke during the film, probably somewhere between Jason Bourne's final outing and one of Charlie Chaplin's silent movies I would presume.
If you've not seen any of the John Wick films before then you'll probably be quite surprised by the blood lust and shotting action so I'd advise you to watch the others first. For everyone else, this is quite some addition to the franchise and I'll give it a few months before we're screaming out for more.
John Wick: Chapter 4 is an all-out, full on action blockbuster that deserves to be watched on the big screen but will be just as pleasing when on your widescreen TV. I'm certain we will see John Wick in some form again very soon.
The coincidence of his surname being the same as how this franchise has now started to get on my wick cannot be understated. John Wick: Chapter 4 is yet another chapter of Keanu Reeves saying as little as he possibly can but at the same time firing bullets into the heads of his enemies as he can.
Fishburne has started to look fed up himself although the temptation of a decent pay package for turning up once again probably just edge out the boring script he had to endure. There are some small glimmers of light that come through the curtains that John Wick should be closed upon but, like the light at the end of a tunnel, are quickly snuffed out much like Wick's enemies.
I can see most men enjoying this slaughtering feast of a shoot-em-up but I'm certain even hardcore fans of the John Wick series will have now seen enough. The trailers for Chapter 4 have been teasingly coming out for what seems an age but it has fallen disappointingly as not just a stand alone film but perhaps a final nail in the franchise coffin, but it won't, and I'd bet the last few bullets in John Wick's sidearm it won't be. There will be calls for more, even spin-offs I am sure, but best believe that John Wick: Chapter 4 is one to watch when you are able to do so freely and in the comfort of your own home where you are in a position to simply switch it off and enjoy something easier on the stomach, like raw snails with garlic maybe.
You have been warned. John Wick: Chapter 4 is a film with little substance and plain old action that we have seen in 1, 2 and 3.