Avengers: End Game was a truly fitting end to the previous phase of Marvel’s superhero films. It had taken them since 2008 to create, build and develop the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and Hulk into the perfect melting pot of heroism and then end the phase with a few deaths.
A few series later, like WandaVision, Hawkeye and Ms Marvel, plus films like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and Thor: Love and Thunder it seems to be starting all over again.
However, with Marvel director Feige having already announced what, and when the next two Avenger films will be about, there is reason to be concerned. Not least because there appears to be a build up of such fantasy that Earths heroes won’t just be fighting a super villain but also fighting villains with both time and reality as a weapon.
Yes, Thanos didn’t really use his time and reality stones much, but will some of these villains simply be able to turn back time and cause different realities and universes? If they don’t use that power, as we expect Kang to do, why not? Because they could really kill off all characters very quickly if they use the power they have to hand properly.
With Doctor Strange, could he not simply use dead bodies again to solve issues, go to another universe, go back in time (as they did in Endgame) to resolve any problems?
It might be over analysing, but for good reason. Marvel need to keep the next two phases water tight, as too much craziness will confuse the younger viewers, perhaps even the more hardcore Marvel fans amongst us.
Those familiar with the comics will say, “nothing to worry about”, but we shall have to see. The ratings of the latest Doctor Strange, and Thor have already hit lower star ratings than all before it, and Marvel should deem that as a warning.