Honor is willing to do anything to get into Harvard and that means taking down three others who are looking to do the same. One competitor however, she unexpectedly falls for.
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I enjoyed Honor Society, its a clever movie that sees a few kids go against each other for a place at uni but who is really fighting who?
Love this, was good fun. Also love Gaten so watching a no brainer.
Was funny and enjoyed the ending. That actress you will recognise from Spider-Man - think she's going to be big over the years. Talented girl.
Was good. Neat twist at end but sorta saw it coming.
Liked it. Was mostly funny.
Reminded me of those teen comedies from the mid 90's with Witherspoon and Michelle-Gellar. Honor Society was okay and funny in parts but no need to wait for a blu-ray version.
Given the cast I was expecting something wonderful but I'm not the target market. Pretending that I am for the moment, Honor Society is good fun and funny in places as one girl called Honor tried to remove a number of competitors for her spot at Harvard.
There's a little "teen love" in this as she quite fancies one of those she is competing with. There's a good bit of 'feel-good-factor' despite the script being somewhat lightweight whilst fans of Stranger Things will recognise Gaten Matarazzo and possibly even watch it because he is in it.
This isn't a film I would rush to go and watch again however it is watchable from the outset and one that senior teens would enjoy and talk about.