There is something about films that relate to the Ocean that attract an audience. Maybe it’s our deep roots to the water that keeps us attracted. Ask most people where they’d like to retire and the percentage of those that say “by the sea” will be in the high nineties!
Here we list five films based in the Ocean that you might not have seen before. For the hard core film buffs amongst you we apologise in advance if you’ve seen all of them
5) Warlords of Atlantis (1978)
This classic, starring an attractive Doug McClure is somewhat landbased in the middle of the film, but the start and end of this film features great Ocean scenes with a ship that is attacked not once, but twice by a huge Octopus. There are also some fabulous underwater scenes where yet again, the protagonists are attacked by a different sea creature.
Those sporting actor spotting eyes will notice a very young John Ratzenberger, whilst Bond fans will hopefully pick up on one the most famous of James Bond characters but we won’t spoil you with who it is!
4) Deep Rising (1998)
It’s an Ocean Liner attacked by a very strange but hugely large sea monster. The film has a number of twists throughout and it is as tongue in cheek as you can get. Unfortunately most of the ocean views are in the dark but it has that mystery about it and will leave you wondering what could still be lurking in the deep waters yet unexplored. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels fans may note a young cockney mercenary onboard too.
3) 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1997)
We were always going to mention one of them weren’t we and we decided to go not with the 1954 classic, or even the first one all the way back in 1916.
We thought one you may not have seen yet is the 1997 take with Michael Caine and Patrick Dempsey. Not only are the visuals more appealing but there is more of a build up before we get to see the Ocean and Captain Nemo doing his thing.
2) Humanoids From The Deep (1980)
Five points to you if you have seen HUmanoids From The Deep (1980). It is another film with Doug McClure and somewhat shares a bit of the open seas with some river monsters and some horrific horror scenes. It is perhaps still as scary now as it was back on but most interestingly, subjects such as racism and sexism are discussed then just as much as they are now.
1) Leviathan (1989)
More under the ocean than above it, George P. Cosmatos’ sci-fi horror is a great film worth watching any time of the week. It features Robocop (Peter Weller) himself who is always worth watching and its underwater scenes are truly terrifying.
Oddly, as Leviathan was released at the same time as Alien and DeepStar Six, it didn’t get the reviews it was worthy of and perhaps not the recognition it deserved back in 1989. For us it’s certainly a fine and final addition to the list.