Die Hard

Published on: 25/04/18
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Die Hard
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 3 reviews
 by Mevna

Die Hard is your typical hardcore action movie, proving to be, arguably, the best of one of this genre. Through every scene and movement, the high sense of tension escalates and doesn't fail to leave audiences on the edge of their seats. It is without a doubt that this movie includes all the features of a perfect action movie. Shooting, fighting, bombing from every corner, not to mention the accelerating tempo of the film and the screen-stealing evil genius. This phenomenon consists of exceptional acting features (Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman) and death-defying stunts, many of which were of a superior standard, especially considering how filming was less advanced in the 80's as opposed to the precocious standard that it is today. Die Hard also conveys an immense amount of depth into each character, therefore creating added intensity onto the plotline. Furthermore, writers have been able to achieve a believable situation, thus implementing a thought-provoking attitude towards audiences. Die Hard is a must watch for those who seek the excitement of such a thrilling, engrossing sensation.

 by Mrs Beacock

This film remains one of the best action films ever made despite it being 30 years since the film came out.

This for me is the definition of an action movie. The acting is first class as is the storyline .

 by Martha J.

Now this movie remains one of the best action movies ever made and many of my buddies agree without hesitation. The plot points of this movie have been copied on more occasions than any other movie after it and that just goes to tell you how much of a pace setter it is.

It has been 30 years since the movie was made, yet you still get thrilled when you watch it even more than some of the action movies of this generation.

This for me is the definition of an action movie. The acting is awesome, the amount of action is just as much as you would want to see in an action film and perhaps even more non-stop, and the storyline is solid.