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A Star is Born is one of the best films that was out in 2018 and I enjoyed watching this film.
The music in this film is brilliant.
Lady Gaga is one of my favourite singers and I love listening to her songs. Bradley Cooper was fantastic in this film playing a character who has problems with alcohol. The chemistry between them is so powerful, it shows that they are in love although there are certain problems at times.
However it wasn’t a funny film as some musicals are actually funny , this one has more romance and drama but still it is a brilliant musical.
If you haven’t seen A Star is Born, then you are missing out. I would recommend this film for people who love musicals and love a bit of romance and drama at the same time.
There are other films that were out in 2018 that I like such as Black Panther, Peter Rabbit, Mamma Mia 2, The Incredibles 2 and Love, Simon. A Star is Born is one of my favourite films of 2018 as well as Instant Family.
A Star Is Born is a romantic drama and the directorial debut of Bradley Cooper, who also stars in the remake with Lady Gaga. The plot follows a famous musician battling with addictions, who falls in love with a struggling songwriter. I haven't seen any of the previous 3 versions of this famous story, so I was lucky enough to go into the film with fresh eyes and no idea of what was to come. Bradley Cooper's acting in the film is incredible: you can tell exactly what he's feeling with just his eyes in certain scenes and its breathtakingly powerful. His performance generates huge sympathy from the audience and accurately portrays the sadness and painful truth of addiction. Despite having limited acting experience, Lady Gaga manages to match Bradley Cooper with an astounding display of a young woman trying to take to grips with the music industry and a partner suffering with alcoholism. Their chemistry is perfect, and you truly believe they are deeply in love, which leads the audience to constantly will them to work out despite the clear problems with their relationship. The supporting cast also give great performances, especially Sam Elliot – however, you may need to switch the subtitles on when he’s in a scene in order to understand his deep voice. Bradley Cooper doesn't just bring everything to his acting: his direction is beautiful and lends heavily to the emotional punch of the film. With no background music and simple camera work, A Star is Born plays out more like a documentary than an organised piece of film, which causes it to strongly resonate with the audience. This realism makes the theme of alcoholism and depression much more difficult to watch and lets the audience understand what Bradley Cooper’s character is going through much better, which prevents us from resenting him and allows us to recognise how hard it is for addicts. Therefore, I think A Star is Born is an excellent film for bringing humanity and emotion to the topic of addiction, rather than exploiting it and portraying it as a lifestyle choice as the media often does. To preserve budget, the concert scenes were actually filmed at music festivals and in result, the intensity and excitement of these moments is palpable. The music is generally very good, especially the Oscar winning Shallow, but I think you could still enjoy the film even if you weren’t a fan of the songs. Lady Gaga's voice is as excellent as always, and Bradley Cooper clearly put a lot of effort into learning how to sing for the film. If I had to find a problem with the film, I would say that the pacing is slightly off, and certain events are brushed past too quickly. However, A Star Is Born is one of the best films I have ever seen, and the devastating ending left me upset for days. This is the most beautiful and realistic relationship I have watched on screen and I would recommend it to everyone.
An enjoyable and generally well-made film; ‘A Star Is Born’ is centered around the characters of Jack (Bradley Cooper) and Ally (Lady Gaga), their relationship, and their respective careers. Jack’s career, while at a high when the film starts, begins to lose momentum; while Ally’s picks up - however my main problem with the film is that this wasn’t properly fleshed out. The viewer isn’t given enough insight into her career, and therefore there is a lack of sense of scale and time as her career develops. It seems as if she goes from being almost unknown to receiving national acclaim, which felt quite out of place to me.
Additionally, there are some questionable editing choices - the main one being when the film will very suddenly slow down and become almost silent. This happened on several different occasions, and while I understand that this is to emphasise the importance of what is happening on screen, it took me entirely out of the moment.
Despite these points, I did enjoy ‘A Star Is Born’. One of the many selling points of the film is the number of live music scenes, and speaking as somebody who goes to concerts fairly often, these scenes did appear very realistic in terms of lighting and atmosphere. This definitely heightened my enjoyment of it. I felt that the film dragged a little in the second act, however the performances, music, and overall ‘look’ of the film drew me back in.
This is the best music film I have watched this year, and judging by the time of the year I am making this comment, I can bet that no other musical movie would come even close.
This movie is moving, powerful and even more impressively has a solid chemistry among the leading characters. The storyline is great and the musics are almost as if they could never be made any better.
This is the best movie you have never seen and if you long to see the perfect combination of great music and great acting, then do yourself a favour and go to see this movie.