As you may know, many films have been extremely popular in cinemas this year, but which of these films that have been released is the most entertaining to watch?
Marvel is all about action and adventure stretching to a bit of romance and a lot of humour. So if you love any of these key themes, of you want to just watch your favourite actor of screen for an hour and a half, I would recommend watching these films that have been release in 2018.
At the beginning of this year, you may recall that Marvel’s “Black Panther” was released and positive reviews of it have been all over the internet! It’s a story about the new King of Wakanda who has to get back the technology stolen by Claw from a museum whilst Killmonger (another villain) tries to battle for the throne in order to gain power over Wakanda. This film had something for everyone; action, drama, suspense and most importantly humour.
Surely everyone chuckled when Shuri asked T’Challa “What are those!?”, referencing the iconic vine. Of course the graphics were amazing like every film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but the stunts done by the actors and stunt doubles were more than impressive. You may remember the car chase scene which I felt was one of the best in this film. “Black Panther” was a hilarious family film that left the audience wanting to own Wakanda technology and left everyone want to have the power of the Black Panther.
Although this film was action packed and thrilling, it didn’t link to the Marvel timeline very much. However, I would say that it was one of Marvel’s most hilarious works of 2018. This is because the characters were rather new and the audience got a chance to understand their qualities. Also, the use of a young Princess and her modern references to vines and technology made this film appealing for teens in the audience.
Marvel is known for its humorous films throughout the years and with “Infinity War” the directors were able to create a wide range of emotions for the audience. “Infinity War” came out in April and had a lot of storylines leading up to it. It is also going to have a sequel to it (which is unnamed in order to keep secrets) in April 2019. This film made those who watched it laugh, cry and want to murder several characters. The Marvel franchise promoted this film as being a near end to the beloved Avengers as they faced Thanos who aimed to gain power by collecting the soul stones. A lot had been planned about this film and many actors were given fake scripts and scenes to shoot in order to keep things secret. *cough* Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo.
To us all, the ending was a surprise. It played with our emotions and made many of us cry rather than laugh. Many parts of “Infinity War” did indeed make the audience giggle such as when Drax wanted to know “Why is Gamora?” and the use of banter between Ironman and Dr. Strange. Most Marvel fans have seen this film by now and understand its significant role In the MCU.
In “Infinity War” there were less jokes as the film was based of the ‘will they, wont they’ theme of beating Thanos. The audience was also focused on hoping that their favourite characters weren’t killed off to which many of us were disappointed. Due to this idea, this film wasn’t the most rib-tickling of films of 2018 as it had a very un-comical ending.
As this film has had films leading up to it for 10 years, it may be confusing to those who haven’t seen key Marvel movies as there are plot holes and key characters in every scene. If you love Marvel and you want to know if the Avengers can defeat Thanos or you just want to laugh at the comments and banter then I would recommend “Infinity War”.
My top funniest film in the MCU of 2018 has got to be “Antman and the Wasp”. This is because the actors portrayed witty and comical characters that made the audience fall in love with them. First of all, the character of Scott Lang has been presented as a typical comical fatherly figure –despite the fact that he is a criminal. This film is a sequel to “Antman” which came out in 2014 and left the audience in fits of laughter after introducing the character.
The film starts off 2 years after “Civil War” which came out in 2016, where Antman featured near the middle of the film. It shows the audience how Scott can still be a father and a superhero despite problems he faces alone. Those who have seen the film understand the character of Luis and his witty and hilarious attitude towards the situations. His character may be one of the funniest and most lovable in the MCU (after Loki in Thor Ragnarok, of course.)
The typical Antman costume is featured in this sequel and Marvel introduces Hope’s character as being The Wasp which is how the first film left off with. Many parts of this film are portrayed as being more comical than serious which helps the audience to understand where the film lies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline. I don’t need truth serum to say that this film made me laugh as much as the first one did!
I would highly recommend “Antman and the Wasp” due to its effective approach to the characters and their personality. The subtle and short jokes and witty comments really make this film something worth seeing. Of course like every Marvel film the film ends on cliff-hanger, creating even more suspense to lead up to the untitled Avengers film in 2019. I would recommend this for anyone who loves action, adventure, a bit of romance and to just laugh.