In 1994 Brooklyn, former military electronics expert Noah Diaz faces financial struggles as he attempts to support his family. Encouraged by his friend Reek, Noah decides to steal a Porsche 911 to sell, unaware that the vehicle is actually the Autobot Mirage in disguise. Meanwhile, museum intern Elena Wallace stumbles upon an ancient falcon statue bearing the Maximal symbol. In an unexpected turn, she accidentally breaks open the statue, revealing half of the Transwarp Key hidden inside.
The key emits an energy pulse that catches the attention of Optimus Prime, who rallies the other Autobots. Mirage, interrupted in the midst of Noah’s theft, becomes involved in the mission to retrieve the key and enable the Autobots to return to Cybertron.
As the Terrorcons track the key’s signal to Earth, Elena becomes embroiled in the conflict when the villains attack the Autobots outside the museum. Scourge seizes one half of the key, but the Maximal Airazor arrives to fend him off. Airazor informs the Autobots that the Maximals have been hiding on Earth for centuries, safeguarding the divided Transwarp Key to keep it out of Unicron’s clutches.
Despite the inherent dangers, Optimus Prime insists on reassembling the key to facilitate their return home. However, Noah secretly plots to destroy the key to protect his world.
Through Elena’s research, she deduces that the missing half of the key must be located in a hidden temple in Peru. The group embarks on the Autobot cargo plane, Stratosphere, and joins forces with Autobot Wheeljack in Peru. Their search leads them to the temple, but they soon discover the second half of the key is no longer there. The Terrorcons launch another attack, culminating in Scourge corrupting Airazor with Unicron’s dark energy. The Autobots encounter Optimus Primal and the other Maximals, who reveal that they entrusted the second key half to a human tribe they have collaborated with over the centuries.
Airazor succumbs to madness due to Scourge’s influence, forcing Primal to make a difficult decision to protect Elena by eliminating her. Amidst the chaos, Noah contemplates destroying the second key half but is persuaded by Optimus not to do so. Unfortunately, Scourge steals the second half and merges it with the first atop a volcano, creating a tower that opens a portal for Unicron’s imminent arrival on Earth.
Realizing the consequences of their self-serving actions, Optimus Prime and Noah resolve to join forces in defeating the malevolent forces. While the Autobots and Maximals engage in a fierce battle against the Terrorcons and Predacons, Noah and Elena make a covert attempt to deactivate the Transwarp Key using an access code uncovered by Elena. During the clash, Scourge gravely wounds Mirage, prompting him to transform his damaged body into an exo-suit for Noah, allowing them to fight together.
The energy pulse emitted by the key triggers a dormant Energon deposit beneath the valley, reviving the lifeless body of Bumblebee and turning the tide of the battle. Optimus Prime vanquishes Scourge, but not before the latter damages the control console to prevent it from being shut down. Prepared to sacrifice himself, Prime destroys the key, collapsing the portal. However, Noah and Primal manage to save Prime from being consumed by the collapsing vortex.
In the aftermath of the conflict, Elena receives recognition for her discovery of the temple in Peru. Meanwhile, Noah attends a job interview for a security position, only to discover that he is being invited to join the secretive government organization known as G.I. Joe.
In a mid-credits scene, Noah successfully repairs Mirage using spare Porsche parts from Reek, who learns that the car is actually a Transformer.
The post Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (2023) first appeared on WhichFilm | Film Reviews | Audience Film Reviews.
]]>The post Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) first appeared on WhichFilm | Film Reviews | Audience Film Reviews.
]]>The post Enemy at the Gates (2001) first appeared on WhichFilm | Film Reviews | Audience Film Reviews.