Plot Summary:
The story centers around a group of misfit kids who attend the Little Dragons Karate School. Led by their instructor, Mr. Lee (Charles Lane), the children learn various martial arts techniques and life lessons. The karate school becomes a safe haven for the kids, providing them with discipline, confidence, and a sense of belonging.
When the karate school faces financial trouble, the children decide to help by using their martial arts skills to raise money. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals, led by Big Eddie (Pat Morita), plans to rob a nearby jewelry store. When the kids stumble upon their plan, they take it upon themselves to stop the criminals and save the day.
Through their determination, teamwork, and martial arts abilities, the Little Dragons set out on an exciting and action-packed adventure, facing off against the criminals in a final showdown.
Themes and Impact:
“The Little Dragons” combines elements of martial arts, comedy, and adventure, aiming to entertain both children and adults. The film promotes positive values such as friendship, perseverance, and the importance of believing in oneself. It showcases the potential of children, emphasizing their ability to overcome challenges and make a difference.
While “The Little Dragons” may not have garnered significant critical acclaim or achieved commercial success on the scale of major Hollywood blockbusters, it holds a place within the niche genre of martial arts films aimed at younger audiences. The film’s lighthearted tone, action sequences, and positive messages make it an enjoyable and family-friendly viewing experience.
“The Little Dragons” is an action-comedy film that follows a group of children who learn martial arts and use their skills to take on a group of criminals. Through its blend of action, humor, and positive messages, the film aims to entertain and inspire young audiences. While it may not have achieved widespread recognition, “The Little Dragons” remains a charming entry in the martial arts genre, showcasing the power of determination, teamwork, and the potential of young individuals.
The post The Little Dragons (1980) first appeared on WhichFilm | Film Reviews | Audience Film Reviews.